We’re in the thick of things here in Pike County, Illinois with our second gun season kicking off this week. It has been a great season so far and our clients have taken some outstanding deer. As always, it’s hard to believe how quickly time flies and that we’re already into December. Before we get too late in the season, we wanted to post an update on the Illinois whitetail hunting conditions and results so far.

2014 Hadley Creek Whitetail
Overall, we’ve been blessed with great weather and hunting conditions through the month of November. Some occasional rain and a week or so of cold temperatures have been the only breaks in an otherwise mild fall. Deer activity has been outstanding this year. Our hunters continue to see good numbers of deer and great quality bucks.
“We have had a good season so far, with plenty of big bucks hitting the ground,” said Hadley Creek Guide, Wesley Stubbs. “We are definitely looking forward to laying a few more big ones down before the season is over.”
In addition to all of the great bucks we’ve killed this season, our hunters have passed on countless young eight and ten point bucks that in many other places would have hit the ground. These two and three year old deer have us very excited about the continuing improvement of our herd here at Hadley Creek Outfitters. Our 140 minimum is largely responsible for these results.
Below are a few photos from the 2014 season so far. Click here to see the full 2014 Season Gallery. For more information on Illinois whitetail hunting with Hadley Creek Outfitters, please visit our Home Page. You can also call us anytime at 217-335-3804.