In September 2017, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed a bill into law that removes previous restrictions on the use of crossbows during Illinois archery seasons. Crossbows are now legal for all hunters during the archery hunting season in Illinois.
The new law went into effect immediately for the 2017 deer hunting season. Previously, whitetail hunting with a crossbow was only was only available to those over the age of 62 and hunters who received a special disability permit from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).
With this new law in effect, our currently booked archery hunters are welcome to bring their bows or crossbows at any point during the Illinois archery seasons. No special permit is required.
If you have previously shied away from an Illinois archery hunt because of the crossbow restrictions, this would be a perfect time to give us a call! We still have a few limited openings available for the 2017 archery season.
For information and specific availability for the approaching season, please give us a call now at 217-335-3804 or send us a message.
While there has been vocal opposition to crossbow use during archery seasons, the new law seemed to have strong support. Advocates of the new law argue that it will improve hunter inclusion and retention, helping to open up new opportunities to hunting to a broader base of hunters during the archery seasons.
The use of crossbows includes both whitetail deer hunting and turkey hunting seasons in Illinois.
Again, please give us a call for the latest availability at 217-335-3804. We’re looking forward to seeing many of you here in Pike County, Illinois next season!